Oregon Ag

(717) 656-0067

North American Sea Life Kelp Meal

Kelp meal used as a feed supplement. Supplies 60 minerals, 21 amino acids, and 12 vitamins that are necessary for a balanced diet, ensuring animal health and productivity.

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  • About Sea Life Kelp Meal
  • Feeding Rate
  • Typical Analysis

SeaLife Kelp Meal is an animal feed supplement made from the seaplant Ascophyllum nodosom. We harvest the seaweed from the cold, clean waters of the Maine coast. The live plant is quickly dried at a low temperature to preserve its valuable vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, and alginates. SeaLife is a naturally balanced supplement containing over 100 micronutrients. It fulfills the requirements in animals for trace elements that are often lacking in land-grown feeds and pastures (due to erosion or leaching), and standard mineral mixes.

SeaLife is a rich and dependable source of 60 minerals and elements including iodine, 21 amino acids, and 12 vitamins (including A, C, B12, thiamin, and vitamin E or tocopherol). Because the minerals are in plant tissue they are easily digested and assimilated. Many of the trace minerals contained in SeaLife are essential for producing enzymes which in turn promote healthy body functions.
At the recommended feeding rates SeaLife is highly economical to use – one to two percent of the feed ration translates to pennies per day. Our processing techniques and packaging help to maintain product integrity over time.

1-3 oz. per 1000 lbs. of body weight or free choice.

12 lbs. per ton of feed for chickens.

General Properties
The seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum is harvested, machine dried, and sized. It is dark green in color with a light salty flavor.

Particle Size
Standard: 14 mesh
Special Orders:

Chips: 8 to 10 mesh
Granular: 14 to 50 mesh
Powder: 50 mesh

Components (%)
Protein 5.7
Fat 2.6
Fiber 7.0
Moisture 10.7
Ash 15.4
Carbohydrates 58.6

Carbohydrates (%)
Alginic acid 26.7
Laminarin 9.3
Mannitol 4.2
Methylpentosans 7.0
Other sugars 11.4

Vitamins (mg/kg)
Ascorbic acid (C) 500 – 2000
Tocopherols (E) 150 – 300
Carotene (A) 30 – 60
Ba 15 – 50
Niacin 10 – 30
Vitamin K 10
Riboflavin 5 – 10
Ni 2 – 5
V 1.5 – 3
Thiamin 1 – 5
Folic acid 0.1 – 0.5
Folinic acid 0.1 – 0.5
Biotin 0.1 – 0.4
Vitamin B12 0.004

Amino Acids
(as gms of amino acid nitrogen / 100 gms of protein nitrogen)
Alanine 5.0
Arginine 11.8
Aspartic acid 8.7
Glutamic acid 5.3
Glycine 5.7
Leucine 8.7
Lysine 4.1
Serine 3.3
Threonine 2.7
Tyrosine 0.5
Valine + Methionine 14.0

Minerals and Elements (%)
Aluminum .193
Antimony .00014
Barium .00128
Boron .0194
Calcium 1.904
Chlorine 3.68
Cobalt .00123
Copper .00064
Fluorine .03265
Germanium .00001
Gold .00001
Iodine .0624
Iron .08956
Lantanum .00001
Lead .00001
Lithium .00001
Magnesium 213
Manganese .1235
Mercury .00018
Molybdenum .00159
Nickel .0035
Nitrogen .0624
Phosphorus .211
Potassium 1.28
Rubidium .00001
Selenium .00004
Silicon .1642
Sodium 4.18
Sulfur 1.564
Strontium .07488
Thallium .00029
Tin .00001
Titanium .00001
Tungsten .00003
Vanadium .00053
Zinc .00352

Trace or Undeclared Amounts:
Beryllium, Bromine, Bismuth, Cadmium, Carbon, Cesium, Cerium, Chromium, Gallium, Hydrogen, Indium, Iridium, Niobium, Osmium, Oxygen, Palladium, Platinum, Radium, Rhodium, Silver, Tellurium, Thorium, Uranium, Zirconium


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After feeding Agri-Tonic for 2 weeks to my horse that had EPM, her bad attitude disappeared, she no longer balked for us, had more energy, and started gaining weight.

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